Q: Think of a common man's name in four letters, one syllable. Move each letter exactly halfway around the alphabet. For example, A would become N, N would become A, and B would become O. The result will be a common woman's name in two syllables. What names are these?Am I the only one that thinks there should be a couple more letters at the end of the man's name or can we agree that it's more of a nickname?
P.S. I'm heading out to nearby a narrow gorge and will have to ponder this further as I sit beside the river.
Edit: My initial hint was for Trev (or) which becomes Geri (be). Both 'or' and 'be' were hinted at. My second clue was for a "narrow gorge" (glen) and "beside the river" (banks).
Alternate answer: TREV & GERI