Sunday, February 23, 2020

NPR Sunday Puzzle (Feb 23, 2020): Word Operation

NPR Sunday Puzzle (Feb 23, 2020): Word Operation:
Q: Name a well-known game in 8 letters. Drop the 5th letter, move the 1st letter into the vacated spot, and you'll name, in order, a part of the human body. What game is it?
So to verify, 8 for the first part and 7 for the second.

Edit: You spend a lot of time counting cards that add to 15.

Sunday, February 16, 2020

NPR Sunday Puzzle (Feb 16, 2020): Be Quiet!

NPR Sunday Puzzle (Feb 16, 2020): Be Quiet!:
Q: What familiar 10-letter word contains a silent B, E, and O — not necessarily in that order. And those three letters don't have to be consecutive in the word.
I hope I don't get called this week.

Sunday, February 09, 2020

NPR Sunday Puzzle (Feb 9, 2020): World Traveler

NPR Sunday Puzzle (Feb 9, 2020): World Traveler:
Q: My friend Penelope, who is from La Jolla, went on a world vacation. She stopped in Santa Rosa, Toronto and Casablanca. What European capital did she also visit?
This puzzle shouldn't require much more than a list or an atlas.

Edit: The word "REquiRE" also starts and ends with the same two letters.
A: AMsterdAM follows the same pattern as PEneloPE, LA jolLA, SAnta roSA, TOronTO and CAsablanCA.

Sunday, February 02, 2020

NPR Sunday Puzzle (Feb 2, 2020): Forwards and Backwards

NPR Sunday Puzzle (Feb 2, 2020): Forwards and Backwards:
Q: The actress Michael Learned, who played the mother on The Waltons, has an unusual property in her name. The last three letters of her first name are the same as the first three letters of her last name reversed. The name of what current celebrity has the same property? Here's a hint: The first and last names each have 6 letters.
I guess I'll just be content knowing I finally have the answer, even if I had to ask family members for help.

Edit: In particular, a younger member of the family. Also her initials are hidden in the word "be".