NPR Sunday Puzzle (Sep 1, 2019): You Have Less than One Week to Escape:
Q: This is a two-week challenge. It may sound impossible, but it's not. You wake up trapped in a round room with six doors. A voice over a loudspeaker tells you that five of the doors are booby-trapped and will bring instant death if you try to open them. Only one door provides an opening that will get you out safely. The doors are evenly spaced around the room. They look exactly alike. Your only clue is that on the wall between each pair of doors is a large letter of the alphabet. Going clockwise, the letters are H, I, J, K, L and M. Which is the correct door that will get you out ... and why?
Shh! Don't give the answer away before the Wednesday 3pm ET deadline.
Edit: The room is round, so the spot where the letters wrap must be important otherwise it could have been a single wall with several doors. Also, the letters are *between* the doors. So this points to the exit door being being between M and H, but why? Reread the question and focus on
opening and
out; they seem to be key.
A: When marked with "OUT" the door between M and H forms a word for an opening — "MOUTH".
This is my theory as to the intended answer, but I'll have to wait to Sunday to have it officially confirmed.