Sunday, August 27, 2023

NPR Sunday Puzzle (Aug 27, 2023): A Seriously Bad Effect

NPR Sunday Puzzle (Aug 27, 2023): A Seriously Bad Effect
Q: Think of a noun in six letters. It sounds like a two-word phrase (2,6). And the thing named by the noun can have a seriously bad effect on what's named by the phrase. What is it?
I would not eat them here or there. I would not eat them anywhere.

Edit: I would not eat green eggs and ham. I do not like them, Sam-I-Am. That anagrams into the answer.

Sunday, August 20, 2023

NPR Sunday Puzzle (Aug 20, 2023): A Jumble of Body Parts

NPR Sunday Puzzle (Aug 20, 2023): A Jumble of Body Parts
Q: Name part of the human body above the neck in 9 letters. Rearrange them to name another part of the human body found below the neck. Only some people have the first body part. Everyone has the second one. What parts of the human body are these?
The wording bugs me a little which caused me to have a mental block. I do have the answer finally so I can stop pacing back and forth trying to figure this out.

Edit: I was thinking of Bugs Bunny with large front teeth. And after pacing, I'd sit down on the other part.

Sunday, August 13, 2023

NPR Sunday Puzzle (Aug 13, 2023): Contemporary Singer on Repeat

NPR Sunday Puzzle (Aug 13, 2023): Contemporary Singer on Repeat
Q: Name a famous contemporary singer (6,4). The second, fourth, sixth, eighth, and ninth letters, in order, spell a repeated part of a song that everyone knows. What is it?
It's not the first time someone's made this observation.

Edit: Celine Dion Had A Farm
A: CELINE DION, "Old MacDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O!"

Sunday, August 06, 2023

NPR Sunday Puzzle (Aug 6, 2023): Found In England

NPR Sunday Puzzle (Aug 6, 2023): Found In England
Q: Name something found on a map of England. Two words. The last two letters of the first word are the same as the first two letters of the last. If you go to England, you can't see this place. You can see it only on a map. What is it?
Don't forget to submit your answer by Thursday, Aug 10 at 3pm ET. Hopefully you'll get the call.

Edit: My comment included a few hints. "3pm ET" was a hint to the initials PM in Prime Meridian and Eastern Time being a time zone relative to Greenwich Mean Time. In addition, "get the call" could have been phrased as "be on the LINE (with)".