Thursday, June 27, 2013

NPR Sunday Puzzle (Jun 23, 2013): Words with Unusual Properties II

NPR Sunday Puzzle (Jun 23, 2013): Words with Unusual Properties II:
Q: Write down these five words:
"aide," "heart," "tough," "gelatin" and "emanate." There is something very unusual they have in common. What is it? And what's another word with this property?
When my computer is not crashing and is able to filter my word grids, it does a most capable job. Anyway, at the moment it has about 800 words, possibly with some as long as 11 letters but I can't check them until it is done calculating.

Edit: Hints: "not crashing" = stable, "word grids" = tables, "most capable" = ablest. Some other words (6 letters or more) are given below. I tried to avoid plurals, but stable/tables/ablest was too good to ignore:
A: The property that the five words share is that if you move the first letter to the end, another word is formed.
aide --> idea
heart --> earth
tough --> ought
gelatin --> elating
emanate --> manatee

Here are a few words that also share this property:
dangle --> angled
echoic --> choice
height --> eighth
ramble --> ambler
revoke --> evoker
stable --> tables --> ablest (chain of 3 words)
yowler --> owlery
tangelo --> angelot
trundle --> rundlet
dalliance --> allianced
dunpickle --> unpickled
lethologica --> ethological

Thursday, June 20, 2013

NPR Sunday Puzzle (Jun 16, 2013): Words with Unusual Properties

NPR Sunday Puzzle (Jun 16, 2013): Words with Unusual Properties:
Q: Write down these five words: "mate," "peck," "miss," "pot" and "blunder." There is something very unusual they have in common. What is it? And, can you name one other word with the same property?
The hard part will not be figuring out the pattern but finding another word. But even that shouldn't be difficult if you have a good list. The really hard thing will be to provide a clue that doesn't give things away and since I can't think of one, I'll just say, "Happy Father's Day!"

Edit: The word "list" follows the pattern. I think you could also make a case for "pappy" or at least "pop" which are synonyms of father.
A: The property that these words share is that you can replace their first vowel with any of the standard 5 vowels (a, e, i, o, u) to create a valid word:

mate --> mate, mete, mite, mote, mute
peck --> pack, peck, pick, pock, puck
miss --> mass, mess, miss, moss, muss
pot --> pat, pet, pit, pot, put
blunder --> blander, blender, blinder, blonder, blunder

A few possible answers using common words.
bad, bed, bid, bod, bud
bag, beg, big, bog, bug
last, lest, list, lost, lust
pap, pep, pip, pop, pup
patting, petting, pitting, potting, putting

If you allow some latitude with archaic words:
blathering, blethering, blithering, blothering, bluthering
slathering, slethering, slithering, slothering, sluthering

Thursday, June 13, 2013

NPR Sunday Puzzle (Jun 9, 2013): Name that Movie Title

NPR Sunday Puzzle (Jun 9, 2013): Name that Movie Title
Movie ReelQ: Name a movie in two words — five letters in each word. Both words start with vowels. Take one letter in the first word, move it two spaces later in the alphabet, and rearrange the result. You'll get the second word in the movie's title. What movie is it?
If you take the initials in the name of the main character and change them to one earlier and one later in the alphabet, you get the initials of the actor that played that character. And I'm sure you can find another similarity between the character name, actor name and the movie title.

Edit: The character is Kaita Raige (KR) played by Jaden Smith (JS). The names and the movie title are all 5 letters.

Saturday, June 08, 2013

NPR Sunday Puzzle (Jun 2, 2013): I've got 3 words for you...

Merl Reagle, courtesy Norwalk Citizen
NPR Sunday Puzzle (Jun 2, 2013): I've got 3 words for you...:
Q: Can you name three common three-letter words that are all synonyms and which together consist of nine different letters of the alphabet? Here's a hint: The letters A and O are not used.
Merl Reagle is one of my favorite puzzle constructors, so I can't add much to this puzzle. If I have the right words, you can rearrange the nine letters to form a pair of words that could be considered synonyms.

Edit: I figured the words had to use the remaining vowels of E, I and U so came up with CUT, HEW and NIP which could be anagrammed to INPUT and CHEW. Others had Merl's intended answer