Sunday, June 26, 2016

NPR Sunday Puzzle (June 26, 2016): State of the Union Address

NPR Sunday Puzzle (June 26, 2016): State of the Union Address:
A: Think of two well-known American cities, each five letters long. The first two letters of the first city are the state postal abbreviation of the second city. And the first two letters of the second city are the state postal abbreviation of the first city. What two cities are these?
What are you waiting for? Something here to lead you to the answer?

Edit: The hints were "what are" which sounds like "water" and "lead" referring to the metal.
A: MIAMI, FL(orida) and FLINT, MI(chigan)

Sunday, June 19, 2016

NPR Sunday Puzzle (June 19, 2016): There Is Still Work to Do

NPR Sunday Puzzle (June 19, 2016): There Is Still Work to Do:
Q: Think of a word that means "unfinished." Add one letter at the start and one letter at the end, and you'll get a new word that means the opposite of the first. What words are these?
For some reason this reminds me of the Tom Hanks --> Thanks puzzle from nearly 10 years ago.

Edit: Dennis the Menace's dog was named RUFF. The cartoonist for Dennis the Menace was HANK Ketcham. Add a letter before and after and you get THANKS.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

NPR Sunday Puzzle (June 12, 2016): C D B? D B S A B Z B!

NPR Sunday Puzzle (June 12, 2016): C D B? D B S A B Z B!:
Q: This week's challenge comes from listener Andrew Chaikin of San Francisco. Take the word baci (Italian for "kisses"). You can rearrange the letters to "I C A B" — which sounds like a sentence, "I see a bee."

Now, think of a unit of measurement. Rearrange its letters and read them out loud to form a sentence complimenting someone on their appearance. What's the word, and what's the sentence?
Just read C D B! by William Steig and you'll probably get the answer. Or if not, he has a second book in the series called C D C!.

I'm not sure you can call these "volumes" but that's what I was trying to hint at.
A: QUART --> URAQT (You are a cutie)

Sunday, June 05, 2016

NPR Sunday Puzzle (June 5, 2016): Pack your Bags

NPR Sunday Puzzle (June 5, 2016): Pack your Bags:
Q: Name a famous actor — seven-letter first name, four-letter last name. Take four consecutive letters from the first name and three consecutive letters from the last name. These seven letters, in order from left to right, will name something that's often packed nowadays when taking a trip. What is it?
I like to travel to see the world.

Edit: "See world" sounds like "SeaWorld" which is in San Diego, home of the San Diego Chargers.