Sunday, December 31, 2023

NPR Sunday Puzzle (Dec 31, 2023): Mixed Up Movies

NPR Sunday Puzzle (Dec 31, 2023): Mixed Up Movies
Q: Name a famous movie in 4 letters. Change one letter and anagram the result to name another movie that came out 20 years later. Then change one letter in that and anagram to name a third movie that came out 29 years after the second one. What movies are these?
It doesn't help that I thought I was looking for a famous movie in 4 words. Then I made a different assumption that messed me up. And finally, I got a different release date for the first movie. Anyway, if you take the last movie, change one letter and rearrange, you get a word that describes these 3 movies.

Edit: For Dr. No my first search came up with the U.S. release date being 1963 rather than the U.K. release date in 1962. For the extra puzzle, you can perform the same operation on THOR and get TRIO.
A: DR. NO (1962), TRON (1982), THOR (2011)

Sunday, December 24, 2023

NPR Sunday Puzzle (Dec 24, 2023): Shifting Things Around in the Workplace

NPR Sunday Puzzle (Dec 24, 2023): Shifting Things Around in the Workplace
Q: Think of an area found in many workplaces, in two words. Move the first letter of the first word to the start of the second word. Phonetically you'll name two items that have a similar use — one of which might be used in the workplace. What place is this?
Drop the last two letters in the first word and add an "S". Rearrange to name a type of hat.

Edit: BRE(ak) ROOM + S --> SOMBRERO

Sunday, December 17, 2023

NPR Sunday Puzzle (Dec 17, 2023): Nay, Recess *is* Necessary

NPR Sunday Puzzle (Dec 17, 2023): Nay, Recess *is* Necessary
Q: Think of a word that means "required." Rearrange its letters to name two school subjects, one of which is often required, and one of which often isn't. What are they?
Alternatively, rearrange the letters to name a subject and something you might study in that subject.

Edit: In BIOLOGY you might study a RAT

Sunday, December 10, 2023

NPR Sunday Puzzle (Dec 10, 2023): Winter Season Approaches

NPR Sunday Puzzle (Dec 10, 2023): Winter Season Approaches
Q: Take the phrase WINTER SEASON. Add a letter of your choosing. Then rearrange all 13 letters to spell three related words. What are they?
Christmas is coming...

Edit: WINTER SEASON has no "L" (Noel)

Sunday, December 03, 2023

NPR Sunday Puzzle (Dec 3, 2023): Car Parts To Wear Out

NPR Sunday Puzzle (Dec 3, 2023): Car Parts To Wear Out
Q: A muffler is part of an automobile. It's also the name of something you can wear. Think of two other parts of automobiles that are also things you can wear. These two words have the same number of letters and the same first two letters in the same order.
I wanted to wear a belt, but couldn't find anything to go with it. As for the answers, I wear one part much less frequently than the other.

Edit: I occassionally wear a hood (with a jacket), but the other much less frequently.