Q: Name two different kinds of wool. Take the first five letters of one, followed by the last three letters of the other. The result will spell the first and last name of a famous actor. Who is it?Take the actor's first name and add a type of idol. Anagram the letters to get the actor's first movie.
Edit: Al + Matinee = Me, Natalie
A: Alpac(a) + (Mer)ino = Al Pacino
Here's my standard reminder... don't post the answer or any hints that could lead directly to the answer (e.g. via Google or Bing) before the deadline of Thursday at 3pm ET. If you know the answer, click the link and submit it to NPR, but don't give it away here.
ReplyDeleteYou may provide indirect hints to the answer to show you know it, but make sure they don't give the answer away. You can openly discuss your hints and the answer after the Thursday deadline. Thank you.
I beg you, sir, might you please pick your clues a bit more carefully?
ReplyDelete-- Other Ben
If you're referring to Blaine's clue, I wouldn't have had a prayer of figuring his clue out if I didn't know the NPR puzzle answer already. But knowing the answer, I was able to look up the actor in the IMDb, find his first movie role, (The IMDb lists the filmographies in reverse chronological order - most recent at the top, first role ever at the bottom; and indeed the movie title in question is the 2nd to last thing listed, the bottom listing being a guest appearance on a TV series). Then I removed the letters of his first name from that title, and looked up the sorted string of the remaining letters in my "Sorted Anagram List". There are 3 words in my wordlist which are anagrams and I correctly determined that the "type of idol" is the alphabetically last of them.
DeleteSo in other words, I worked out Blaine's clue in EXACTLY reverse order!
How about let's celebrate 6/6 early ???
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ReplyDeleteSlight correction:
DeleteI posted the following this evening at the end of last week's blog:
skydiveboy Sat May 26, 07:32:00 PM PDT
The new puzzle is up and just when you think the puzzles can't get any worse along comes still an even more shameful example. Will should feel more than a little sheepish. Perhaps it is time for him to pack it in and we get another puzzle master along with all the new hosts. It may be redundant for me to add that I solved this one in no time at all.
Is it fair to include moth-eaten as a kind of wool?
ReplyDeleteThe actor is president of a group. Anagram the name of the group to name a costume the actor might have worn in a 2007 movie.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteOne of the wools reminds me of a football player who, in an old NPR Sunday puzzle, changes into a country when you change one letter.
ReplyDeleteTake a type of idol and a food brand. Anagram to get two kinds of wool.
ReplyDeleteGiven the clues above, you could solve practically any Sunday puzzle.
ReplyDeleteNo time for wool gathering on this one! Alert the media!
ReplyDeleteNow that I solved the puzzle, I think that I might head over to a certain national Donuts chain to pick up a bit of breakfast.
ReplyDeleteIs it me or does anyone else think it’s hot in here?
Musical Clue: Broadway Is Not Just For Gays Anymore!
ReplyDeleteIf you can't figure this out... No soup for you!
DeleteHere is my hint: There are a total of 8 letters in the answer. The actors first name, however is shortened for something longer.
ReplyDeleteEvery time I think of this actor, a word from a well-known Queen song reverberates.
ReplyDeleteNothing to do with the challenge for next week, but I just listened to the on-air puzzle again. In one of the answers, Will rhymes "log" with "dog." In my part of New Jersey, that is a "sight rhyme" at best. I hate when those regional pronunciations come up in looking for an answer, which has happened in the past! (Dachshund, anyone?)
ReplyDeleteThis actor has to one of the hardest working individuals in the film industry, with credits including Shakespearean adaptations, dramas, comedies, biopics, and voice work. I'd bet two bits that, on any given Sunday, this actor is on a set somewhere rather than listening to the NPR puzzle.
ReplyDeleteToo obvious!
DeleteI agree. I wonder why Blaine let this one stand, considering the deleting spree he went on a few weeks ago (To Be or Not to Be).
DeleteOne of Curtis's favorite football movies…is it? ;-)
DeleteActually, I've never seen that movie, as I'm not a football fan or a big Pacino fan. I can't speak for Blaine or his sense of what's obvious. "Any Given Sunday" was far from a blockbuster, so I don't personally believe the hint was blatant. But, I'd guess that most readers missed the secondary clue in that post, "Two Bits," which was the name of a lesser-known Pacino movie.
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ReplyDeleteThe last name (actually, its latter half) came to me quickly. But I had never heard of the other kind of wool, the one I needed for the first name. Fortunately, thanks to Wikipedia, I did find it pretty soon. I guess I don't know my way around the Americas at times.
ReplyDeleteClue for two of the actor's movies: Bloodhound
ReplyDeleteWhatever floats your boat!
ReplyDeleteMusical clue: Paul Simon
Can we call you Al now?
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ReplyDeleteSo what is everybody doing for the holiday? I'm about to head out to see my brother and his family. It's a surprise visit. Ha! With my "vibrant" stories, I'll be the life and soul of the family reunion. Hoo-ah!
ReplyDeleteI'm traveling from Alabama to Pennsylvania. See, I know how to have a good time.
DeleteSo Blaine, is that a picture of the Dolly LLama or Dolly the cloned lamb?
ReplyDeleteActually it's Salvatore Dali Parton about to perform a rendition of Hello Dolly with Ken and Barbie. So don't lambaste Blaine or even try to pull the wool over his eyes.
DeleteOf course it could be one of the extras from Brokeback Mountain about to sing, I Only Have Eyes For Ewe.
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ReplyDeleteEarly to bed, early to rise...here's the new puzzle before your very eyes.
There are other kinds of wool besides the wool you get from animals. The word for one of them figures into an item featured in one of the answer's early films.
ReplyDeletethe kind of wool that doesn't come from an animal: STEEL WOOL
DeleteSTEEl is used to make NEEDLES, which is part of the film title PANIC IN NEEDLE PARK, which featured the actor who is the answer to this week's puzzle
Obscure TV show clue: Walter from the Cosby Show
ReplyDeleteI'm having flashbacks to living in LA and hearing the taco truck pull up in the alley behind my apartment building.
DeleteLa cucharacha la cucuracha yo no puede caminar porque lo tiene porque la falta..(censored)........que fumar. Came from a children's book I had, no lie.
ReplyDeleteSome bloke by the name of Willie MacLeod Junior stole one of the actor's lines.
ReplyDeleteAlpaca, Merino --> Al Pacino. On Sunday I asked, “Is it me or does anyone else think it’s hot in here?” Al Pacino’s 1995 megahit movie was titled “Heat.”
ReplyDeleteMy clues are in my post where Al Pacino is now bracketed:
The new puzzle is up and just when you think the puzzles can't get any worse along comes still an even more shameful example. Will should feel more than [A l]ittle sheepish. Perhaps it is time for him to [Pac]k it in and we get another puzzle master along with all the new hosts. It may be redundant for me to add that I solved this one [in] n[o] time at all.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteAl Pac[a Mer]ino.
ReplyDeleteMy hints were:
"I guess I don't know my way around the Americas at times."
The alpaca's habitat is Peru.
"So what is everybody doing for the holiday? (…) Hoo-ah!"
I was afraid this one might be deleted—an ever so subtle reference to the part of Scent of a Woman where Al Pacino (aka LT COL Frank Slade) descends on his brother's house for Thanksgiving.
"Some bloke by the name of Willie MacLeod Junior stole one of the actor's lines."
Google the name, and you'll find a blog posting of some obscure press conference where a man by that name, the manager (?) of a British soccer club, uttered:
"Are you sharp-shooting me, punk? (…) You'll give me 40 push-ups, and then you'll give me 40 more!"
It's not quite verbatim, but essentially it is an Al Pacino line from Scent of a Woman.
In response to Wolfgang - Monday May 28, 8:33:00 PM PDT
ReplyDeleteI'm traveling from Alabama(AL) to Pennsylvania(PA). See(c), I(i) know(no) how to have a good time.
Actors Studio -> a doctor's suit
ReplyDeleteMerino -> Dan Marino -> San Marino
I didn't want to wait for Blaine to set up this week's blog, so I posted my clue near the end of last week's:
ReplyDelete"Sat May 26, 07:47:00 PM PDT
Yeah, pretty easy. But it's late here. I think I'll wait and submit my answer in the AM."
Why AM? Initial letters of Alpaca and Merino!
Type of idol: AMERICAN
ReplyDeleteFood brand: ALPO
Kinds of wool: ALPACA and MERINO
float your boat - playing with word marina
ReplyDeletePaul Simon's song "you can call me Al"
The cockroach line from "scarface? I think is heady stuff thus my childhood song "....to the edge he started skippin, pretty soon he started slippin in the pie so hot and blazin Now he's just another raisin. La cucaracha.....
I have a toy llama i got in Peru and we (grandkids) call her Dolly Llama
Now that I solved the puzzle, I think that I might head over to a certain national Donuts chain to pick up a bit of breakfast.
ReplyDeleteMy clue is a reference to the Dunkin' Donuts scene from the movie Jack and Jill, with Adam Sandler, while Al Pacino stars in a commercial:
Musical Clue: Broadway Is Not For Gays Anymore!
ReplyDeleteIs the opening number from the 2011 Tony Awards, Al Pacino can be seen in the audience when Neil Patrick Harris states that Al is to famous to participate in the bit.
SIR, would you please PICK your clues....
ReplyDeletePacino's breakout film was SERPICO (1973).
-- Other Ben
My clue re- "D Day," - "Dog Day Afternoon" movie.
ReplyDelete"Alert the media!" -- I'm old, so to me the media are represented by the Associated Press, initials A.P., as in Al Pacino.
ReplyDeleteFor the new puzzle, the postal codes of the two states provide a clue.
ReplyDeleteI usually enjoy your clues, Lorenze, but this one is just a bit shallow in my opinion.
DeleteI had to bang my head before I aced this one.