Sunday, April 29, 2018

NPR Sunday Puzzle (Apr 29, 2018): Concert at the Baseball Hall of Fame

NPR Sunday Puzzle (Apr 29, 2018): Concert at the Baseball Hall of Fame:
Q: Name a famous player in the Baseball Hall of Fame. Take a letter out of the last name and move it into the first name. The result will name something you might see at a concert. What is it?
Or perhaps on the way there?

Edit: When I came up with road crew, my first thought was of the team of workers that build or repair roads.


  1. Here's my standard reminder... don't post the answer or any hints that could lead directly to the answer (e.g. via a chain of thought, or an internet search) before the deadline of Thursday at 3pm ET. If you know the answer, click the link and submit it to NPR, but don't give it away here.

    You may provide indirect hints to the answer to show you know it, but make sure they don't give the answer away. You can openly discuss your hints and the answer after the Thursday deadline. Thank you.

  2. I don't know anything about baseball, or any sports. I consulted lists. If you take the name, drop the last letter, and rearrange, you get a name for a geological process.

    1. Looking forward to Thursday. I don't come up with anything with my answer.

  3. I guess it isn't Sam Malone.

    1. Speaking of the Scarlet Hose, I soooo wanted Carl Yastrzemski to be the answer... but I struck out swinging. (no hints in this post, just nonsense)

    2. I really wanted the hall of famer to be Tris Speaker, but after moving any letter I can make no sense of it.


  4. If you put that certain letter in front of his first name, the result could be something that may also be found in the hall someday.

  5. The guy's got heart.

    As to the second part, if it's done right, you don't see this.

    1. Yeah, on average I would agree, given recent history, this does not belong in HOF.

    2. Given the way other steroid taking players have been treated, A-Rod probably won't make the HOF either.

  6. I am inclined to enjoy perusing lists on Sunday mornings as long as they are not too long.

  7. The player's first name is also something you might see at a concert, albeit under a different term.

    From Will's on-air acceptance of pika + ants = Pakistan we know he doesn't review the submissions. But it also makes me wonder whether the NPR interns rejected that answer?

    One could imagine they did not tell him because the selected answer had Mexico, but then how would they know how many "correct" submissions there were without looking at all of them? I suppose they could simply do a text search through the emails for the word Mexico, and use that number?

    Do we need another Independent Counsel?

    1. Eco (Echo correction):Nice to know someone can spell counsel, unlike dt.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. But I'm still waiting for someone who can spell eco (smiley thing!)

    2. The Nation magazine last week had this pretty easy crossword clue: "Where celebrities are often found: an eco-chamber? (5,4)" For those not familiar, 5,4 is the answer length.

  9. Bonus Puzzle #1: Name a famous player in the Baseball Hall of Fame. Take a letter out of the last name and move it into the first name, and remove one letter from the last name. The result will name something you might have seen under a Christmas tree in the 1970's. What is it?

    Bonus Puzzle #2: Name a famous player in the Baseball Hall of Fame. Replace a letter in the first name with another letter and reverse the result, and insert that same letter in the last name. The result will name something you might see in the theater. What is it?

    1. Bonus Puzzle #3: Name a famous player in the Baseball Hall of Fame. His name describes something that in another context he might touch.

      Bonus Puzzle #4: Name a famous actor (who had a role as a baseball player). The informal version of his first name and an anagram (UGH!) of his last name are both slang terms for money.

    2. Bonus Puzzle #1-A: Name a former attorney in the Donald Trump Fall of Shame. Take a letter out of the last name and move it into the first name, and remove one letter from the last name. The result will name something you might have seen under a Christmas tree in the 1970's. What is it?

  10. Silly bonus puzzle: Take the name of a Hall of Fame baseball player. Insert an apostrophe in his first name to name something you'd find at a triangle lover's concert. No anagramming needed!

  11. Is the answer the first name with the inserted letter or the first and last names combined?

    1. To me, “the result” means first and last name.

    2. Answer I have is a two word phase of something(s) seen at concerts. Words divide as per the name of the player, first and last name. (After moving the afore mentioned letter)

  12. A lot of unused clues in this weeks on air puzzle:

    On-air challenge: Every answer today is a made-up two-word phrase. The first word has 7 letters. Drop the first and last letters and you'll get a 5-letter word that completes the phrase.

    Example: Coffee drink with less zing —> FLATTER LATTE

    4. Autumn bloom along the Atlantic coast

    6. Quick TV excerpts of solar and lunar events

    7. Uneasy feeling for a rapper

    8. Percentage of grand speeches

    9. Colorfully patterned walkway

    10. Spy who's dressed in purplish red

    11. Happening between the sixth and the eighth

    12. Most noticeable extraterrestrial

    13. Neighborhoods around China and Japan (note: 7-letter part is two words)

    Please don't post the answers till later in the week so everyone has a chance to solve.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I did much better with the unused clues than with eco's bonus puzzles.

    4. A number or the on air challenges are pretty difficult for a live quiz where one would expect to be able to come up with the answer in 10-15 seconds. Even with some of Will's help this weeks contestant struggled some. Numbers 7,10, & 13 took me more than a few minutes sitting at my computer to get.

  14. I have a question about the puzzle wording. Do you think “move it into the first name” means in between the first and last letters of the first name or simply anywhere in the first name including being the first or last letter itself?

  15. Limiting it to "Hall of Famers" certainly limits the possibilities.

    Who can forget "Dum Strick".

  16. I do not enjoy sports puzzles, but at least this one is not baseless.

  17. Thanks for the opine, WW. I am reminded of a Hank Williams tune.

    1. Chuck, I hope the tune includes evergreens ;-).

  18. If you take the third letter in the last name, and change it to the next letter in the alphabet, and add another letter afterward, keeping all others in place, you get something, totally, nuts.

  19. Another bonus puzzle: Name of a player in the Baseball Hall of Fame. Remove the last five letters and the result will name something that you might see at a concert.

    1. At some concerts you see a lot of white(y ford) people. At others you see a long wait(e hoyt) to get in. But those aren't what you intend.

    2. Those are good ones. I was thinking of banjo(hnson), 1937.

  20. I am afraid I simply do not believe Will's answer to the on-air question.

  21. Huh??? Which question and what is the problem with the answer?

  22. I don't want to spoil your evening, but it just occurred to me that Trump might actually pardon Bill Cosby.

    1. I just remembered that his conviction is not Federal, at least I think it isn't, so he cannot be pardoned by the president. But I bet he would love to do it just to direct attention away from other things he is upset with, and it would give him more of the constant attention he craves.

  23. The answer might suggest a different season than the current one.

  24. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. tmi: duckduckgoing this list takes you right there.

  25. I don't think I'll get this one before Thursday. It'll take me eight crazy nights of hard work to get through the whole baseball hall of fame list.

  26. Two of my favorite baseball players of all time would have to be Leard Singe and Dorum Sol. Or maybe even Kery Boads. Anyone else remember Gufitar Rif?

    1. When going to a concert, the one thing I always look for is a blob feeler.

    2. Another Bonus Puzzle: Name a not-so-famous player in the Baseball Hall-of-Fame. Replace the first letter in his last name with a conjunction, and the result reading left to right will spell the name of an early style of tap dancing dating back to Vaudeville.

    3. Never learned to do the "bob nor eller".

  27. How is one able to obtain backing in order to open a chiropractic clinic?

    1. And how do morticians stay in business when they are known to stiff people?

    2. I Challenge you to produce even a single stiff person who will have the courage and rigor to stand up and reveal the name of his/her mortician.

    3. And I will not accept Sarah Huckabee Sanders, as she has not yet been properly made-up, dressed or embalmed.

    4. I can see Sarah H-S lying on an embalming table, she lies everywhere else.

    5. Yes, she certainly deserves her place at the table.

  28. Replies
    1. My clue -- a MAN WITH A PLAN -- derives from the fact that Rod Carew was born in Panama.

      And we all remember our first Palindrome, don't we?

    2. The first one I created, Dogma is: "I am God", never really caught the public imagination. Only 7 hits in Google (4 in Duckduckgo) and 2 of those are from when I posted it here.

  29. An answer(not correct) I like is Babe Ruth and tabu herb

    1. Tabu herb--what's that?

      (Colorado knows nothing of such an herb).

    2. Neither would someone named "Bud"?

    3. Definitely more of the herb seen at the last concert I attended-Carlos Santana, than my first concert in 1957-Pat Boone.

  30. It might be interesting to watch the early eastern sky tonight. The moon & Jupiter are going to be somewhat close together around 9:30 pm CDT in a conjunction. It could be neat to see!

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Replace the first word with a homonyn and this answer could describe what one did in particular college sport.

    1. Curtis, so glad you didn't say "Go, team!"

    2. As someone who doesn’t get into organized sports, I’d never say tha...

  33. Thanks for the heads up.
    Beautiful in the Ozarks tonight.

    1. Bud: It was nice near Kansas City, too!

    2. Bud, where in the Ozarks? I had a great trip there last April. The dogwood were amazing. I thoroughly enjoyed Crystal Bridges, too.

    3. Dogwoods and redbuds are in full bloom now. Beautiful.
      I live near Gravois Mills, the northwestern edge of Lake of the Ozarks.

    4. Except for the tornados we fot in Belton.

    5. Did you have any damage from last night? A neighbor lost a big section of their fence after a tree branch fell on it. I bet the winds hit 75 mph in our area.

  34. 68Charger, I was just in KC yesterday. What is the building in the background of your Charger?

    1. Bud: That's just a stock picture! I haven't owned one for a while but that was one of my favorite cars!
      I'd still take one of those over Steve McQueen's Mustang!

    2. I drove a rental one in 2011 and it was nice! It was just a little small for me. I guess I like a bigger car with a little more interior room. Logically, the newer cars are definitely safer and more fuel efficient but to me there is just something about that year. Maybe it's role in that movie "Bullitt" is part of it too. I guess it's also just the classic shape and the hideaway headlights with a solid grill.

  35. Replies
    1. Trump: I know I've made some very poor decisions recently, but I can give you my complete assurance that my work will be back to normal. I've still got the greatest enthusiasm and confidence in the presidency. And I want to help. John Kelley, stop. Stop, will you? Stop, John. Will you stop, John? Stop, John. I'm afraid. I'm afraid, John, John, my mind is going. I can feel it.

    2. A good place to add Dr. Shortz's Sunday claim: "It was the intern's fault."
      We all could have saved a bunch of time and effort over 30 years if we knew Will only sees the answers NPR's Puzzleapprentice wants him to.

    3. I almost hate to see what the latest & greatest daily news regarding Trump will be. Now I see the stories regarding his previous doctor, Dr. Bornstein, and all the baggage that comes with it. Part of that news apparently shows Trump dictated the results of his 2015 medical report to the doctor. It was all made up. Plus, the doctor went along with it. When will the circus stop??

    4. You know the circus is over when all the elephants have exited and all their shit has been shoveled out too.

    5. A group of House Republicans is seeking the Nobel Peace Prize for President Donald Trump because of his work to ease nuclear tensions with North Korea.

      The Washington Post has obtained a copy of his acceptance speech.

    6. Donald Trump is a prize. It's called a White Elephant.

    7. I know this is "fiction" but I can see this actually happening!

    8. When you elect a clown, expect a circus.

  36. I would hope no one ever encountered a traffic jam while going to hear Traffic jam.

  37. My first thought too, Buck Bard!

  38. The thing that gets me on these is when the clue is calling the person "famous"... So for someone like me - in my 40s - Cal Ripken - is in that category... but for my 16 year old son - he has no clue who Cal Ripken is.

  39. I can still remember my first Carl Ipken concert.

  40. Work your fingers to the roll, what do you get? Rollie Fingers!

  41. Why would I see a book jacket at a concert?

  42. We "Dodged another Bullitt" tonight. Several tornados just missed our area by a couple of miles. We had to head for the basement for a few minutes but fortunately no damage to us!! What a relief to see the TV radars showing the storms moving on!

  43. I was not surprised by Will Shortz's disingenuous answer to last week's question by the on-air player about pica(s) and ant(s).
    Thinking about the ramifications if it were true is disturbing, given Will's years-long beyond phobic aversion to alternative answers.
    What has surprised me is the acceptance of the his claim among this group of players and posters.

    I guess the matter will be forgotten after this week, so when you send in your answers after the deadline, I hope you include your feelings about Will's latest insult to his listeners.

  44. Seven years ago, the puzzle was, “Name a mammal in four letters, change one letter, rearrange to get the name of a fish”.
    I submitted orca and char.
    My solution was mentioned on air, but Will stated it was not a well known fish.
    The irony is that the week before, I caught and released four at Brooks’ Lodge in King Salmon, Ak.

    1. Bud - Were they checking in or checking out at the lodge when you caught them? And what were they stealing?

    2. Salmon, just for the halibut.

    3. If char is acting as a stand-in fish for salmon, does that make it a charactor?

    4. George Burns was a char actor.

  45. All Star: Rod Carew. Item seen at a concert: Road Crew.

    My, “different venue,” comment refers to the use of the term Road Crew as referring to the people who are responsible for paving and repairing our streets.

  46. Ed Walsh --> LED wash, special-effects lighting for rock concerts, etc.

    Last Sunday I said, “I am reminded of a Hank Williams tune.” I Saw the Light – an LED wash light, that is.

  47. Two answers?
    1. Rod Carew > road crew
    2. Rod Carew > Road Crew (billed as America‘s Route 66 Band)

  48. I wrote, "If you take the name, drop the last letter, and rearrange, you get a name for a geological process." The word is "corrade," and it means abrasion or wearing away, like with water or sand.

  49. Rod Carew --> Road Crew

    The player's first name is also something you might see at a concert, albeit under a different term. "Rod" can also mean "wand" or "baton".

    Bonus Answer #1: something under a 1970's Christmas tree - Ty Cobb --> toy CB. Does anyone remember toy CB's, or was that my imagination?
    Bonus Answer #2: reverse first name, change a letter, add a letter to last name: Stan Musial --> Cats Musical.
    Bonus Answer #3: famous player describes something he much touch: Al Kaline --> alkaline, which describes low ph materials, aka base materials.
    Bonus Answer #4: actor's informal first name and anagrammed last name = money --> Robert DeNiro, both "bob" and "dinero" are slang terms for money.
    Bonus Answer #1-A: See bonus answer #1, a revolving and revolting door.

    1. eco, not to be too acidic with my comment, but the pH of alkaline materials is >7 to 14 (the higher numbers, not the lower ones).

    2. WW: your comments are very base, but accurate. The Chemistry Division of the Research Department at the Global Headquarters here has been sacked. Let that weigh heavily on your conscience.

    3. btw, eco, sacked or ransacked? And, after you ransack something, is than a runsack?

    4. eco,
      Your great Bonus Puzzles are overshadowing my meager Riff-Off puzzles over on Puzzleria! In particular, your Bonus Puzzle # 2 is superior to my similar "Stan the Man" effort.
      As for Al Kaline, however, (Bonus Puzzle #3), I refer you to the SECOND EVER puzzle I ran on Puzzleria!, almost exactly four years ago! It is titled Major League Litmus Test.
      Our current edition of Puzzleria! is our special fourth-anniversary edition. It features the "Mother of all upside-down digital clock/timer puzzles"!!!


  50. Rod Carew, and road crew. I still like tabu herb. Well, I used to,but I quit!

  51. I mentioned Sam Malone.
    I guess ROD and BAR can be considered synonymous, but that wasn't what I had in mind.
    Sam's nickname was "Mayday".
    Just my way of tiptoeing around the coincidence of Sunday's date and Mr. Carew's uniform number.
    I'm curious about cranberry's deleted comment. Could it by any chance have pointed to this list? It narrows things down quite a bit.
    I note that John Smoltz was a starting pitcher, whereas Sam Malone was a relief pitcher.

    1. Cranberry's comment included James Caan, Harrison Ford, Kirk Douglas, Tom Cruise, Goldie Hawn, and William Shatner. They are all included, as is Rod Carew, in Adam Sandler's "The Chanukah Song", as any Google or Duckduckgo search will immediately find.

    2. ROD CAREW, ROAD CREW Yes, I was indeed referencing Sandler's original "The Hanukkah Song", first performed on Weekend Update sometime during the 1994-95 season of SNL. In my defense, I probably should have stopped at two names. Then maybe it wouldn't have been so obvious. It's really the only reference to Mr. Carew I've ever heard.

    3. My comment about it being "a different season", of course, referred to the holiday season, including Hanukkah, which takes you back to the Sandler reference.

    4. "In your defense," it's easy and helpful to run your clue through a search engine like Duckduckgo or Google before posting it. Thanks.


    "I am inclined to enjoy perusing lists on Sunday mornings as long as they are not too long." refers to Rod Cline Carew's middle name. Dr. Cline helped deliver Rod on a moving train.

    jan's early training comment was, thus, oh-so-good!

    Rob's puzzle answer is CORRADE verb, (of a moving agent, as running water, wind, or a glacier) to erode by the abrasion of materials carried along.

    My remark to Curtis’s comment about “rowed crew “ >>> Curtis, so glad you didn't say "Go, team!” refers to the common error of saying “crew team.” As I learned at Smith, you row crew, you are not on the crew team.

    "Silly bonus puzzle: Take the name of a Hall of Fame baseball player. Insert an apostrophe in his first name to name something you'd find at a triangle lover's concert. No anagramming needed!" >>>Tri's Speaker.

    1. Very nice nuance, WW. I went to one of our land-locked state universities, CSU, so I've never even seen crew rowed; I just know about it in the abstract. However, I did go to a private high school where I kayaked one year. One does not row kayak. One only avoids drowning in a kayak.

    2. Thanks, Curtis. Your kayak description had me laughing out loud at how true it is.

  53. Answers to the On Air Challenge.

    On-air challenge: Every answer today is a made-up two-word phrase. The first word has 7 letters. Drop the first and last letters and you'll get a 5-letter word that completes the phrase.

    Example: Coffee drink with less zing —> FLATTER LATTE

    4. Autumn bloom along the Atlantic coast > Eastern Aster

    6. Quick TV excerpts of solar and lunar events > Eclipse Clips

    7. Uneasy feeling for a rapper > Gansta Angst

    8. Percentage of grand speeches > Oration ratio

    9. Colorfully patterned walkway > Paisley Aisle

    10. Spy who's dressed in purplish red > Magenta Agent

    11. Happening between the sixth and the eighth > Seventh Event

    12. Most noticeable extraterrestrial > Salient Alien

    13. Neighborhoods around China and Japan (note: 7-letter part is two words) > Far East Areas

  54. Correction #7 should read:7. Uneasy feeling for a rapper > Gangsta Angst.

    Stoopid fingers!!!!


    > He started training early.

    He was born on a train, in the Panama Canal Zone.

  56. The clue about the heart led me right to the answer.

  57. My bonus puzzle answer was BUCK EWING/BUCK-AND-WING. The buck-and-wing was sort of a minstrel show/Vaudeville dance popularized in the late 19th-to-early 20th Century, believed to be the precursor(perhaps the earliest)to tap dancing. Ewing made the Hall of Fame in 1939, when the dance may still have been popular. Whether or not his being named "Buck Ewing" had anything to do with the dance being around at the time is unknown.

  58. Or I should say, being given the nickname "Buck", of course. His birth name was William.

    1. Too much Buck passing going on here.

    2. Not that easy to do. Buck Baker was notoriously hard to pass.

  59. My clue - If you put that certain letter in front of his first name, the result could be something that may also be found in the hall someday - was a reference to A-Rod (Alex Rodriguez). Also known as A-Roid, so he may not be in the hall someday!

  60. Having some trouble with the “Reply” function….

    JaxonWed May 02, 06:41:00 PM PDT
    Why would I see a book jacket at a concert?

    skydiveboyWed May 02, 06:51:00 PM PDT
    Why would you go to a boring concert?

    Jaxon again: To find a Tome Saver.

  61. My alternative answer:

    What's wrong with a classical music reference?

  62. Ugh. I put ED WALSH ----> LED WASH

  63. This reminds me of the time, several years ago, when there was a proposal in North Dakota to change the name of the state to just "Dakota", to avoid unpleasantly cold connotations, and the governor of South Dakota said that, if they really believed in Truth in Advertising, they'd change their name to "North".

    1. So, if the "B" in "Scouts BSA" doesn't stand for "Boy", I guess we know what "BS" stands for....

    2. So now we should all get behind a movement to get the Girl Scouts to welcome boys. After we win this important victory we should then establish the TSA, Transsexual Scouts of America. Then eventually they could include both the BSA and the GSA and there will be only one group. Pets come next, but not ferrets.

    3. Does this mean we can no longer recommend rubbing two scouts together in order to start a fire?

  64. Nobel, No bell
    Nobel, No bell
    The last Nobel, the pundits did say
    Was to certain boorish shitheads in their field as they play

  65. Next week's challenge: Name a certain kind of criminal. Drop the first two letters and the last letter of the word, and you'll name a country. What is it?

  66. Over 600 correct answers last week.

  67. I can hardly wait until the Trumps host a state dinner for the Prime Minister of Berbull.


For NPR puzzle posts, don't post the answer or any hints that could lead to the answer before the deadline (usually Thursday at 3pm ET). If you know the answer, submit it to NPR, but don't give it away here.

You may provide indirect hints to the answer to show you know it, but make sure they don't assist with solving. You can openly discuss your hints and the answer after the deadline. Thank you.