Sunday, October 25, 2020

NPR Sunday Puzzle (Oct 25, 2020): Take A Note

NPR Sunday Puzzle (Oct 25, 2020): Take A Note
Q: What common seven-letter verb is made up of three consecutive musical notes in order?
The only question is are the notes going up or down?

Edit: The notes go up, the verb means "to go down"
A: D, E♭, E --> DEFLATE

Sunday, October 18, 2020

NPR Sunday Puzzle (Oct 18, 2020): Study Your World Capitals

NPR Sunday Puzzle (Oct 18, 2020): Study Your World Capitals
Q: Name a world capital. Change one letter in it to D-Y. The result will be two words, one after the other. The first word names somebody you like to be around. The second word names somebody you don't like to be around. What city is it?
Normally I'd go back to bed, but today I feel like getting the day started.

Edit: The first thing I like to do in the morning is eat because I'm HUNGARY.

Sunday, October 11, 2020

NPR Sunday Puzzle (Oct 11, 2020): Another Round of Drinks!

NPR Sunday Puzzle (Oct 11, 2020): Another Round of Drinks!
Q: Name certain fruits — in the plural. Change the second letter to an L and read the result backward. You'll name two things to drink. What are they?
Here's to solving. Cheers!

Edit: I was making an avocado toast!

Sunday, October 04, 2020

NPR Sunday Puzzle (Oct 4, 2020): Aye Yai Yai!

NPR Sunday Puzzle (Oct 4, 2020): Aye Yai Yai!
Q: Think of an 8-letter word with three syllables that contains the letter "I" in each syllable — but, strangely, doesn't contain a single "I" sound, either long or short. The answer is not a plural. What word is it?
Too soon?

Edit: I posted my hint not long after waking which most would consider too soon to start drinking.
A: DAIQUIRI ('da-kə-rē)