Sunday, February 14, 2021

NPR Sunday Puzzle (Feb 14, 2021): Name the Books of the Bible

NPR Sunday Puzzle (Feb 14, 2021): Name the Books of the Bible
Q: Name a famous actor whose first name is a book of the Bible and whose last name is an anagram of another book of the Bible. Who is it?
This actor had a role in a sci-fi film playing a character whose name sounds like a name from the Bible.

Edit: He played crewman Kane in Alien.


  1. Here's my standard reminder... don't post the answer or any hints that could lead directly to the answer (e.g. via a chain of thought, or an internet search) before the deadline of Thursday at 3pm ET. If you know the answer, click the link and submit it to NPR, but don't give it away here.

    You may provide indirect hints to the answer to show you know it, but make sure they don't give the answer away. You can openly discuss your hints and the answer after the Thursday deadline. Thank you.

  2. Curiously, an animal associated with a role played by this actor is never mentioned in either the Old or New Testament.

    1. You’re right Rob! Hence my wording.

    2. Seek ye first the Seleucian to the puzzle, but give it not away, lest ye be cast into outer darkness, the place of weeping and Ganeshing of teeth.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. The puzzle doesn't say whether the actor is male or female.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Looks like it's zero tolerance this week.

    4. Wow, I'm surprised that led anyone to the answer.

  5. In the diner they cried, "Oh no, not again!"

    1. That definitely confirms my answer. May be TMI, though. Had I not already figured it out earlier, your post certainly would've done it for me. Check, please!

    2. BTW Pray for us, everybody. In my neck of the woods(west AL), there's going to be some BAD winter weather headed our way starting midday tomorrow. The local meteorologists have been saying those two dreaded words: Power Outages!

    3. John Hurt played in the movie Alien and had a baby alien erupt from his chest. In the movie Spaceballs he lampooned that roll in a diner and when the alien broke through his chest he said "Oh no not again!"

  6. Is this puzzle a punishment?

  7. In honor of Black History Month, here's a related puzzle. Name two actors with the same last name. The first name of the better-known actor is a book of the Bible, and the first name of the lesser-known actor is an anagram of another book of the Bible.

    1. If I had not hit on the better known actor I would never have been able to search for the lesser known actor.

    2. Mort, are you the type who likes to go around hitting on actors? LOL

  8. Almost 3 of this persons exes have last names of famous actors.

  9. Before I solve this, I'm thinking of tofu scramble for breakfast.

  10. This actor once played someone from the bible.

    1. Now that I've found it, I looked up in the IMDb the movie in which this actor played someone from the Bible. I found one movie that fits your clue, BUT C'MON!! - that movie's a comedy!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. As I posted near the end of last week's thread, I know of two actors, one famous and one not-so-famous, both of whom have their respective first AND last names BOTH each being books of the Bible - no anagramming of any of the four names necessary.

    1. I know of one of the two.

    2. Happy Valentine's Day to one and all. Apart from solving the puzzle--frankly, I am mortified it took me this long to solve--I also did manage, like Leo, to find one of the two actors with both first and last Bible-book names that Enya seems to have found, although the names Leo and I discovered could be different.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Thinking of a certain song written by an Oscar-winning composer and its arguably superior cover version.

  14. 40,000 in the U.S. annually.

    1. Not sure what film you're referring to. I was thinking of a synonym for the actor's name.

  15. I hope I am not in violation of the Rule of Blaine. Legolambda might know.
    This week's puzzle is a good one because this actor's movies and personal background are so rich in detail. Had this person not held out against a disapproving establishment, we might have lost a great one. Oh, well...

  16. Well, I've currently found ONE name in the IMDb whose first & last names truly fit the bill. First name a book of the Bible, last name a true, non-trivial anagram of another book of the Bible, - only he's a director, NOT an actor!

  17. Well, there's two seconds of my life I can never have back. It was the second name I thought of. This actor also had an older sibling in politics.

    1. Interestingly, the 2nd name I thought of is someone who did not have an older sibling in politics. Though the actor did have siblings, at least one of which was a brother. I wonder if there are multiple answers. --Margaret G.

    2. Unknown: Margaret G. i agree with your post. Was concerned for a minute about political brother. Thanks! I recall you from English man blogs site.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Couldn't help but wonder if the Shawn that played the puzzle today is Ecoarchitect. The similarities seemed spot on. Haven't seen Ecoarchitect around here in awhile.

    1. No, ecoarchitect is Greg Van Mechelen, another Berkeley architect. Natasha, do you know Shawn Fritz?

    2. Jan, I do not know Shawn Fritz. I looked him up though. Not Eco. Did a great job on the puzzle. Miss Eco.
      Thanks for asking. How I know of two great architects in Berkeley.

    3. DDX: Are you in Berkeley too?

    4. Too many puzzlers are designing buildings in Berkeley. That's why I prefer to pick the locks in Albany or Oakland.

  19. Replies
    1. Clever, Buck Bard.
      Of course, when ron posts "I got it," is usually means he got about twenty-or-so answers!
      While researching this puzzle I discovered that Daniel Day-Lewis is quite-a-catch: LADY-WISE!


    2. Lego, your anagrams seem rather LEWD, I SAY!

  20. Oh, how I wish there was a book in the Bible named Bizuz or Zubiz...

    1. I'm surprised Blaine tolerated this. I expected him to be more cold-blooded this week.

    2. This was the post I referred Blaine to below as "inadvertent (?) TMI."

  21. The first name of the actor I actually knew is not a book of the Bible. But I won't win any actor trivia games. He's on the list but pretty far down.

    1. Famous? Definitely prodigious! There are at least two other actors with entries in Wikipedia that have the same last name and different Biblical book first names.

  22. Star of the Yiddish theater, Zephaniah Shweber?

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Blaine, I won't say exactly where it is and thereby give too much away, but I think there's an inadvertent (?) TMI above.

  25. Nothing sexist about Bible book names.

    Extra pay for Lulu! She hates anagrams, but can't avoid them.

    I can and I think I will just wait for a TMI hint.

  26. Probably not Ecclesiastes ... Two Corinthinans looking dubious as well

  27. HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY, everyone!

  28. I thought this would be really easy, but the only answer I have is for an actor who's no longer alive.

    1. The puzzle didn't mention dead or alive.

    2. True. I seem to have injected that stipulation myself. Thank you!

  29. The wording of the puzzle doesn’t set parameters indicating whether the actor is dead or alive.

  30. I heard that He brews was in the running for the original Starbucks monikers.

  31. WW, Its time to get my mind clear on this one. No answer as yet. I'm off to read a crime novel by Kathy Reichs.

    1. Somehow, C a p, I believe you may be stretching the truth here. I can sense it in my bones. . .

    2. I'm not stretching the truth at all. I haven't gotten the answer. Temperance my good woman, temperance.

  32. Well, it can't be John Amos because his name doesn't require any anagrams and we know how Will adores them. I may watch a movie tonight that I've had queued up for decades which stars the intended actor.

    1. Even though you have not given away the intended answer in your post above, you nevertheless have given away one of two actors to which I had eluded in a post of mine which you can still read if you scroll way back up.
      I would therefore appreciate it if you delete your post above as I would like to do both of those reveals this coming Thursday.

    2. Enya: Is he still chasing you?

    3. Cleverly comic bit of editing, Mendo Jim.


    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Thanks, Lego, including for not pointing out it was somewhat rude and, apparently, to no effect.

  33. Going through lists of biblical stuff is a royal pain.

  34. Replies
    1. "The Seduction of Claude Debussy" is the fifth and final studio album by Art of Noise, released in June 1999 in the United Kingdom and the United States, and December 1999 in Japan. It features a line-up of Trevor Horn, Anne Dudley, Paul Morley and Lol Creme, along with other appearances from John Hurt, soprano Sally Bradshaw, Rakim, and Donna Lewis. As it had been 10 years since their last album, this album carries a completely different sound to that which had defined their four previous albums. The group blended the music of French impressionist composer Claude Debussy with drum and bass, opera, hip hop, jazz, and narration, to create a concept album which they described as "the soundtrack to a film that wasn't made about the life of Claude Debussy."

  35. This puzzle initially stimulated a distressed feeling in me.

  36. Sorry, no clue here, just small talk. It's a lot easier to work with a list of books in the Bible than to have to pinpoint a single character.
    Btw, speaking of Bibles, has anyone read the Revised New Jerusalem? It's been out about a year.
    How about the English Standard Version? Anybody have any favorite versions? We can have a big Blainesville Bible study. We can discuss the verse where a man ties his ass to a tree and walks three miles!

    1. That's a bit of a stretch I'd say. Ricoculous. I was taught in bible school he only walked on for 2 miles. Please check your facts before posting such nonsense.

    2. Just now looked up "ricoculous". Turns out there is such a word. Never heard of it before. First time I saw this comment I thought SDB had made a really bad typo!

    3. Just making up a word like that would be ridonkulous.

    4. Sorry cranberry, but I found it the same place I found yours.

  37. here's a hint for you:

    Take the last name of the actor and then add the last name of another actor and add an R at the end to get the name of a movie of recent times.

    1. How many decades past is "recent"?

    2. Depends on if you are a geologist or a computer programmer or. . .

    3. I will state that it was first run during this current millennium.

  38. No. I hear the "Message " is good though i have not read it. Have you heard of Bible app U? recommended to me.

  39. The puzzle was a pain, but I did have fun coming up with names that *sound* like actors you've never heard of--Personally, I'd watch a buddy cop movie starring Jude Human and Esther Scat.

  40. Replies
    1. The Art of Noise

      "The Seduction of Claude Debussy" is the fifth and final studio album by Art of Noise, released in June 1999 in the United Kingdom and the United States, and December 1999 in Japan. It features a line-up of Trevor Horn, Anne Dudley, Paul Morley and Lol Creme, along with other appearances from John Hurt, soprano Sally Bradshaw, Rakim, and Donna Lewis. As it had been 10 years since their last album, this album carries a completely different sound to that which had defined their four previous albums. The group blended the music of French impressionist composer Claude Debussy with drum and bass, opera, hip hop, jazz, and narration, to create a concept album which they described as "the soundtrack to a film that wasn't made about the life of Claude Debussy."

  41. This puzzle made me feel bad.

  42. Is it TMI, if someone told me if both testaments are involved?

    1. Yes. It is similar to indicating the gender of the actor. Both of these were not stipulated in the puzzle's presentation. Therefor TMI.

    2. I was afraid you'd say that. Thanks SDB

    3. C.a.p. Take the palm of your hand and smack your forehead - because that is what you may do on Thursday.

      Ouch that smarts!

  43. Drop one letter from the title character of one of this actor’s movies to get the last name of another actor whose first name is also a book of the Bible.

  44. The over/under for correct answers this week is 1135.

    1. I've wondered if they should make puzzlers submit their guess of correct entries. The wisdom of crowds...

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Very Three Mile Island Chuck...

    2. Disagree, Ben. But as a friendly gesture, it's gone.

    3. Believe it or not, I thought your clue might have gone a bit too far. We can chat on Thursday.

  46. Take two Bible books, and append St. before the name of the second one to get another famous actor

    1. Too bad there isn't a biblical book entitled Jill.

    2. Hint: If you take these same two books without any anagramming or appending the St, you already have the name of another actor (who I just learned of from this thread). Both are known for television.

    3. So what is the answer to this riddle???

  47. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. Still stumped on the actor, but found a director of a couple Hillary Duff rom-coms who also fits the criteria

  50. Replies
    1. Not Help! (The Beatles), but rather Help (Elton John/Hurts)

  51. Musical interlude "What is love?"

  52. Replies
    1. There are so many possible musical clues--artists, song titles, lyrics--all of which struck me as likely TMI. But this particular musician has a place in my heart for my favorite version of a song that goes back over 100 years.

    2. This (Mississippi John Hurt) was the only John Hurt I knew of --- but figured there might be an actor too & there was ...

    3. Your comment gave it away, Ron. If you google “Mississippi Blues Musician”, one of the first hits is John Hurt.

  53. NEI- is not enough information.
    TLI- is too little information
    AEI- is almost enough information.
    TWI- the wrong information
    MMI- more mis information.

    1. I still like "Three Mile Island". One certainly wouldn't want a "spill" or "leak" here, after all.

  54. Hi, does anyone know how to subscribe to the posts/comments? I tried using the "my yahoo" option but then my yahoo page said it couldn't subscribe to the RSS feed....

  55. Not being of the Christian faith, I needed some help. I had to look up the list of books of the Bible.

    I have an answer. The book which anagrams to the last name is itself a first name. Also there is another actor with the same last name whose first name is not a book of the Bible. Add some punctuation to this actor's first name to get the stage name of a celebrity.

  56. Just about the time tomorrow's answers start rolling in the US will deliver a vehicle to the surface of Mars.
    If all goes well Perseverance will touch down at 12:55 PST after an exciting and hard-to-believe descent.
    NASA TV and other outlets will cover it starting about 11.

  57. Thanks for the legit news Mendo.
    Now here's page six:
    Rush Limbaugh has died.
    What a device era he started!

  58. Replies
    1. I happened to watch 'Elephant Man' on Wednesday night. It was in black & white. This weekend: 'Alien'.

  59. JOHN HURT (Book of RUTH)

    Arm = ARM = Anwen Rees-Myers, John Hurt's 4th wife

    "UWS" refers to the the Udden-Wentworth Scale used to classify GRAVEL size which refers to Hurt's voice as "nicotine sieved through dirty, moonlit GRAVEL."

    Her Royal Highness = HRH, the same initials as Heinrich Rudolf Hertz, the namesake of the unit Hertz, as in love HURT(s).

  60. John Hurt and Ruth

    My Hint:

    "Take the last name of the actor and then add the last name of another actor and add an R at the end to get the name of a movie of recent times." HURTLOCKER

    1. That should be HURT LOCKER. I also forgot my first hint: "royal pain" indicating hurt.

    2. Paul just reminded me of another I hint I forgot:

      "How cold-blooded!" RUTHLESS

    3. I was rushed (no pun intended) yesterday and failed to mention that Sondra LOCKE is the actor whose last name + R when added to the last name of our actor names the movie, HURT LOCKER.


    My clue (which I hoped was sufficiently oblique and buried in a post long enough to make it invisible):
    “…frankly, I am mortified it took me this long to solve….” “mortified” —> hurt

    I thought, wrongly it seems, that if I had instead made reference to how “painful” it had been to solve (as, e.g., skydiveboy did in his “royal pain” comment, with a clever nod to Word Woman), I would have been Blaine-smacked.

    To ron: the Mississippi John Hurt song I alluded to was “Stack O’ Lee Blues” (1928). Even though the first version I heard and was most familiar with was Lloyd Price’s, Hurt’s is, imho, the best. In case you’re interested, here’s the YouTube link:

  62. David wrote, “Curiously, an animal associated with a role played by this actor is never mentioned in either the Old or New Testament.” I replied (not realizing that this was exactly what he was hinting in his excellent clue), “Go to the Apocrypha...” Elephants (as in _Elephant Man_) are found in Maccabees.


    > Curiously, the actor's father was a vicar and the actor's brother was a monk.

    I originally posted "... his brother was ...", but changed that when I realized the actor's sex was unspecified, which earned me a "Thank you, jan" from Blaine, right before he deleted my appreciated post.

    > 40,000 in the U.S. annually.

    Channelling my inner Dave Barry here. That's the number of toilet injuries ("john hurts") every year. Now, a lot of those are just the result of vaso-vagal syncope; when I was an EMT with my local ambulance squad, we often found victims in the bathroom, which is the most inconvenient place from which to extricate them. A doc in my practice once had a personal near-miss in the rest room in our office when the Flushmate toilet tank mechanism exploded. Shards everywhere!

    1. jan, are you sure it wasn't caused by towel-ban terrorists?

  64. Replies
    1. Ron , I was stuck until I saw your blues musician post.

  65. Besides Mr. Hurt, I came up with James Hester (appeared in the film Harriet, according to IMDb), Daniel O’Shea (Hamburger Hill), and James O’Shea (TV series Life on Top). I wouldn’t know if any of them is famous, though it seems doubtful. -LT

  66. JOHN HURT/John/Ruth
    John Hurt played the roll of a wandmaker in the Harry Potter movies. Cruciatus! is a curse used with a wand to hurt, inflict pain, and
    torture. Seemed fitting.

  67. John Hurt--John ,Ruth. The Jacobites- reference was from Rob Roy and a term i had never heard of.

  68. You are in for a treat on Puzzleria! this week (uploaded at Midnight PST tonight).
    Our friend Plantsmith has composed a Homeresque (not "Honda-esque!") "Odyssey" about a young man's journey across state lines to visit his beloved. Plantsmith's epic puzzle appears in his "Garden Of Puzzley Delights" feature, which also this week includes two wonderful puzzles regarding state landmarks (one of which is somewhat bizarre).
    Also on our menus:
    * A Schpuzzle of the Week about habits of humans and litters of critters,
    * a “Synful” slice-of-a-puzzle titled "Snatching virtue from the jaws of evil,"
    * a “She’s got a ticket to ride my seesaw” Dessert slice, and
    * Seven Riffing-Off-Shortz-And-Mace puzzles, in which we shall ask you to open to the Book of Thespialonians.
    Drop in for fun and frivolity!
    My answer this week was John Hurt (whom I recall from "Midnight Express"). I didn't submit "James Hester."


  69. "I may watch a movie tonight that I've had queued up for decades which stars the intended actor." --> JOHN HURT starred as Winston Smith in 1984, which is obviously set decades ago. I did have this movie queued up on Amazon Prime...not for decades...but it has since been unavailable to watch. :-(

  70. John Hurt and the book o' Ruth.
    Somebody pointed out that Hurt's father was a clergyman and his brother is a monk. I did a (Wikipedia) research and discovered that his brother is indeed a Benedictine monk. That was the source of my "Rule of Blaine" comment. And of course St. Cloud is close to Saint John's Abbey in Minnesota, that's why I dragged Legolambda into it. The "oh, well" at the end was supposed to be reminiscent of Orwell, that is to 1984, Starring John Hurt. He is one of my all time faves.

    1. You dragged me more appropriately than you may have realized, Wordsmythe. I graduated from Saint John's University and from Saint John's School of Theology in Collegeville, MN, which is also home of Saint John's Abbey.


  71. His brother had some legal issues accordung to what I read.

  72. I submitted JOHN HURT (RUTH)

    I also found the lesser known actor DANIEL O'SHEA (HOSEA)

    And I also noticed JOHN AMOS, requiring no anagrams.

    My clue was "believe it or not..." which pointed to Ripley. That was the name of Sigourney Weaver's character in Alien, the movie in which John Hurt had an extremely bad case of indigestion.

  73. John Hurt --> Ruth

    Earlier this week I posted, “This actor had some serious chest pains.” But Ben asked me to take it down as TMI – so I did. Anyway, my comment referred to that iconic scene in Alien when the alien offspring was born by bursting through Hurt’s chest.

    1. Sorry to jump on you, Chuck. That scene is just too iconic, me thinks.

  74. Here on this generous blog, I am always grateful on a Thursday for the answer that was unfindable to me. I am surprised that there was ever a question about the sex of the actor. There's only Ruth and Esther in what is reliably accepted as "The Bible." That's why Ruth and Esther get mentioned in the "Sabbath Prayer" in "Fiddler on the Roof." (DuckDuckGo the song and try not to tear up.)

    Ruling out women was a foregone cinch, thanks mostly to the A.D. 325 First Council of Nicaea. Before that, Mary Magdalene was a strong candidate for a chapter. In a more honest reality, it would be absurd to think she was a whore. To be fair, the people in 325 are no worse than we are today, so I'm just saying that I knew it wasn't a female after ruling out Ruth Gordon.

    1. Who would Cort Ruth Gordon anyway?

    2. Very clever, skydiveboy!


    3. I actually met Bud Cort here in Seattle several decades ago.

    4. Very fine sung sentiments, Steven/Cat/Yusuf.


    5. Maybe it would have been better if I had asked:

      Why would a Bud Cort Ruth Gordon?

    BTW We did actually have a short outage early this morning, but we're not sure if it was due to the weather or not.

    1. John did not hurt Ruth. Why do people keep saying that/

  76. My Black History month follow-up was to name two actors with the same last name. The first name of the better-known actor is a book of the Bible, and the first name of the lesser-known actor is an anagram of another book of the Bible.

    SAMUEL L. Jackson and O'SHEA Jackson, both Black actors. The latter is the son of Ice Cube, a chip off the old block.

  77. Load More Time

    Which would you put your trust in?

    A. A TED Talk
    B. Ted Cruz


For NPR puzzle posts, don't post the answer or any hints that could lead to the answer before the deadline (usually Thursday at 3pm ET). If you know the answer, submit it to NPR, but don't give it away here.

You may provide indirect hints to the answer to show you know it, but make sure they don't assist with solving. You can openly discuss your hints and the answer after the deadline. Thank you.