Sunday, October 31, 2021

NPR Sunday Puzzle (Oct 31, 2021): Halloween Travel Puzzle

NPR Sunday Puzzle (Oct 31, 2021): Halloween Travel Puzzle
Q: Think of a popular tourist attraction in two words. The second, fourth, and sixth letters of the second word, in order, spell the first name of a famous author. The last four letters of the first word spell the author's last name. Who is the author, and what is the tourist attraction?
Meh, Solved. Now back to planning for spooky visitors tonight.

Edit: "Meh" was a hint to "Atlas Shrugged". And you'll find Phantom Ranch at the bottom of the Grand Canyon.

Sunday, October 24, 2021

NPR Sunday Puzzle (Oct 24, 2021): A Pair of Menus

NPR Sunday Puzzle (Oct 24, 2021): A Pair of Menus
Q: Think of a two-word phrase you might see on a laptop computer menu. Remove five letters. What remains, in order, is a three-word phrase you might see on a restaurant menu. What phrases are these?
I'm going to have to chew on this one for awhile.

Edit: "À la mode" translates literally to "in the fashion". Chew sounds like (Jimmy) Choo who is known for his fashionable shoes. And "choo choo" is the sound a train makes which leads to Planes, Trains and Automobiles.
A: A(irp)LA(ne) MODE --> À LA MODE

Sunday, October 17, 2021

NPR Sunday Puzzle (Oct 17, 2021): Famous Actress (8,6)

NPR Sunday Puzzle (Oct 17, 2021): Famous Actress (8,6)
Q: Name a famous actress (8,6). Change the next-to-last letter of her first name to an S. Then reverse the order of the last three letters, and you'll name a famous ruler. The actress's last name is an anagram of where you would find this ruler. Who is the actress and the ruler?
Her father's name relates to the ruler and the correct pronunciation of her surname is close to the place.

Edit: News stories have said the pronunciation of her last name is closer to "throne".

Sunday, October 10, 2021

NPR Sunday Puzzle (Oct 10, 2021): Start Your Day Off Right

NPR Sunday Puzzle (Oct 10, 2021): Start Your Day Off Right
Q: Name something you might eat for breakfast, in two words. Add a "G" at the end of the first word. Switch the middle two letters of the second word. Then reverse the order of the two words. You'll name an old-fashioned activity. What is it?
No help needed on this one.

You may need little help on the puzzle but you'll need lots of help on the activity.

Sunday, October 03, 2021

NPR Sunday Puzzle (Oct 3, 2021): Country and Its Largest City

NPR Sunday Puzzle (Oct 3, 2021): Country and Its Largest City
Q: Write down the name of a country and its largest city, one after the other. Hidden in this string, in consecutive letters, is another country's capital (in six letters)? What is it?
The first country's capital and the second country's largest city share the same two starting letters.

Edit: Islamabad and Istanbul.
A: PakistAN KARAchi --> ANKARA (Turkey)